Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome World!

Welcome to the marvelous magic of the Sparkle Sisters! Mikella and I so look forward to sharing our fashion, DIY's, and more with you! You can subscribe to me on YouTube at or on my Dear Taylor Swift vlog, This account starts videos July 1st, so don't think I won't be posting anything! You can also follow me on twitter at @AnikoliaB, Pinterest at @AnikoliaB, and Instagram at @AnikoliaB! 

Here are some snippets of our spring'll be seeing many more fashion photos like this! Here you go! I hope you enjoy our blog! My posts will always be in italic, and Mikella's will be in plain.
Hello, world. That's me and my umbrella!

Swing, batta, batta, swing!


I close my eyes, and, I pray.

Me trying to be Mary Poppins




Sister power!

Tongue! :p

Walking on sunshine....